Cowbell Brewing Co. Celebrates with Vegan Certified Beer

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Vegan beer certification

Cowbell Brewing Co. Celebrates with Vegan Certified Beer

The only vegan symbol issued by a global law firm

Blyth, Ontario, Canada – Blyth Cowbell Brewing Co. (“Cowbell”), the world’s first closed-loop brewery and the first carbon-neutral brewery in North America, adds Cowbell craft beer to the growing list of BevVeg vegan certified beer.

Cowbell is a socially minded, environmentally conscious brewery committed to giving back and being aware of the human carbon footprint. The beer production equipment is designed for energy conservation, and 5 cents from the sale of every pint goes to support programming at Ontario’s four children’s hospitals. Consistent with the concern for the environment, and awareness of others, Cowbell is now certified vegan by BevVeg International for the beer-making process.

After an extensive review of ingredients and production practices, Cowbell beer officially passed the BevVeg vegan certification program, joining many other global companies and products applying to join the BevVeg vegan network. You may ask, how is my beer not vegan? The truth is, many alcoholic beverages use animal products and byproducts in the beer-making process (like isinglass (fish bladder), gelatin (cow’s elbows and knees, horse hooves, pigs feet), egg whites, or crustacean shells (skeletons of fish) or honey from bees, to name a few), or incorporate ingredients that use animal ingredients, like sugar made with bone char.

“Conscious consumerism and transparency in labeling laws is a real thing, not a vegan thing,” says Carissa Kranz, Esq., Founder & CEO of BevVeg International. “This is not a vegan issue, this is about ALL consumers wanting truthful information about what they are consuming – it’s about FULL disclosure.” The BevVeg vegan symbol tells those who care about truth and transparency that THAT product, which carries the BevVeg vegan trademark has been vetted by attorneys to keep the vegan claim honest and accountable.

Cowbell certified vegan beer varietals are now listed in the BevVeg vegan database, a FREE consumer app with more than 1 million listed beverages, called the “Ultimate Alcohol Guide.” Cowbell craft beer may be tasted at the Canadian destination craft brewery in Blyth, or found at the Cowbell online store, or in retail locations and restaurants across Ontario. The BevVeg vegan symbol continues to create buzz as noted in Forbes, CBS, NBC, PETA, Social Life Hamptons Magazine, Veg World Magazine, VegNews, Vegetarisimo Magazine, VRG, LiveKindly Magazine, Metropolitan Magazine, California Wine Advisor, Yahoo Finance, among others, and used and endorsed by celebrity supermodel, Christie Brinkley.

For more information about BeVeg International vegan certification and its free consumer app, visit:

BeVeg Apple App download:  BevVeg – Ultimate Vegan Wine, Beer, Spirit Guide

BeVeg Google App download: BevVeg – Ultimate Vegan Wine, Beer, Spirit Guide

BeVeg Press Contact: ​[email protected] | (202) 996-7999.

For more information on Cowbell, please visit: visit:

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