Beveg Certifies Vegan Ecuadorian Rainforest LLC as Vegan.
Ecuadorian Rainforest LLC (Clifton, NJ) announced it is now a vegan certified company according to the award-winning BeVeg International. NSF International (Ann Arbor, MI) conducts the certification review, for BeVeg, which looks at vegan safety, quality control, and Vegan compliance.
The BeVeg Vegan certification trademark assures consumers, retailers and brand owners’ Vegan label claims are officially validated through independent third-party audits. Businesses can bundle the BeVeg certification with other NSF certifications, such as non-GMO, organic, gluten-free and kosher, among others. Likewise, While BeVeg Vegan audits may be bundled, they may also be performed individually. The BeVeg Vegan certification program managed through NSF and the Orthodox Union (OU kosher certifier) can manage audits in about 180 countries.
The BeVeg Vegan certification program is recognized as an International Standardization Organization (ISO) standard and has globally registered trademark protection in the US, Canada, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and more. BeVeg provides an opportunity for plant based food, Vegan textiles, and Vegan cosmetic brands to gain a competitive edge in sales for Vegan labelled products globally, as no other Vegan trademark considers allergen controls, manufacturing processes, and therefore, protects consumer interests in the same robust manner.
“This Vegan certification reaffirms our commitment to supplying natural and sustainable vegan ingredients,” said Steve Siegel, vice president, Ecuadorian Rainforest, in a press release. “In addition to our organic, kosher, and halal certifications, we are proud to be able to offer vegan-certified products.”
BeVeg Certifies Ecuadorian Rainforest as vegan, along with many Businesses who hold the BeVeg certification with other NSF certifications, such as non-GMO, organic, gluten-free and kosher, among others. Likewise, While BeVeg Vegan audits may be bundled, they may also be performed individually. The BeVeg Vegan certification program managed through NSF and the Orthodox Union (OU kosher certifier) manage audits in about 180 countries. BeVeg Vegan logo is a global Vegan trademark that enables brands to independently validate Vegan product claims with confidence.
Original content on Nutritional Outlook here.