Luxury Wine Brand Has a New Vice — Vegan Wine! Certified Vegan with BeVeg International

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Luxury Wine Brand Has a New Vice — Vegan Wine! Certified Vegan with BeVeg International


Napa Valley, CA. – September 2019 – ​The Vice Wine ​certifies their Rose and Sauvignon Blanc vegan with BeVeg International, a global law firm that specializes in vegan certification. BeVeg is the only law firm in the world to create a vegan certification standard, and to issue a law firm backed vegan symbol.
After an extensive review of its production practices and ingredients,​The Vice wine passed the BeVeg vegan certification process for their two approved products — THE VICE ROSE AND VICE SAUVIGNON BLANC. BeVeg Internationally looks at each product individually and certifies products, not companies with integrity after due diligence and research into the specifics of that product, in this case, these two wines.

You may ask how can wine not be vegan? Many wines added ingredients and processes that may incorporate the use of animal parts from ingredients to filtration, and since the Tobacco and Trade Bureau does not have any disclosure requirements, the consumer has no idea what they are drinking. Surprisingly, there can be up to 66 plus ingredients added to wines or alcohol that you don’t know about as current labeling laws do not require disclosures.

The next question you may ask is does vegan wine still taste good? The answer is yes! Fine wine is based on the quality of the grape, and the less additives that could compromise the grape quality the better the wine.​The Vice Wine ​ is crafted from single grape varietals sourced from hand selected vineyards to best express the grape varietal and the region for premium taste and flavor. In fact, this vegan wine can boast 93 points by ​Wine Spectator.
BeVeg, as a law group, strives to raise the standard for consumer transparency by requiring companies who apply products to disclose trade secrets in confidence in order to gain the right to use the BeVeg vegan symbol with integrity. “It’s about being forthcoming with information,” says CEO, Carissa Kranz. “BeVeg demands honest information and only licenses use of its logo to conscious companies in alignment with the BevVeg vegan standard, as we have outlined on

The​ Vice embodies what it means to be a product with an honest label, as ​The Vice submitted all their trade secrets, processes, ingredients, suppliers, and facility information to BeVeg lawyers in order to gain use of the BeVeg vegan symbol for their two passed products.​The Vice now joins the ranks of other certified BeVeg vegan products across the globe, appealing to the conscious consumer, not just the vegan consumer.

“This is not a vegan issue, this is an issue the general public should care about — honest information and proper disclosures, so anyone can consume with confidence and without the added ingredients or by-products of animals, which aren’t necessary for flavor. Based on these requirements, This award-winning, high rated wine, passed the BeVeg vegan certification process.” says Carissa Kranz, Esq., founder and CEO of BeVeg International.

BeVeg vegan certification has been in ​Forbes​, ​CBS​, ​NBC​, ​PETA, Social Life Magazine, ​Veg World Magazine​, Vegetarisimo,​VRG, VegNews, LiveKindly Magazine,​Metropolitan Magazine​, California Wine Advisor, among others, ​and is used and endorsed by​celebrity super model, Christie Brinkley​.
These certified ​Vice Wine ​ products are dressed with BeVeg vegan logo, and can be found in restaurants, liquor stores, grocery chains, and online.

The Vice Wine passed products are also listed in the BeVeg vegan database, a FREE consumer app, called the “Ultimate Alcohol Guide” by ​Livekindly magazine, available in app stores. For more information about The Vice Wine please visit: ​​.

For more information about BeVeg International vegan certification and its free consumer app, visit:

BeVeg Apple App download:  BevVeg – Ultimate Vegan Wine, Beer, Spirit Guide

BeVeg Google App download: BevVeg – Ultimate Vegan Wine, Beer, Spirit Guide

BeVeg Press Contact: ​[email protected] | (202) 996-7999.

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