The Beet. : California Sued for Failing to Add Meat to the List of Carcinogens

News features

California Sued for Failing to Add Meat to the List of Carcinogens – BeVeg Attorney Weighs in

The Beet features BeVeg International

The Beet spoke to a number of industry experts who backed the move by the PCRM. Our CEO, Carissa Kranz, a Super Lawyer-awarded attorney and founder of BeVeg International—a law firm that advocates for truth and transparency in labels, and certifies vegan businesses and products globally—weighs in.

“There is absolutely no reason to keep the results of these studies off any list that would openly and honestly warn the public of the potentially harmful health consequences of eating meat,” says Carissa. “I suspect PCRM will eventually win this battle, just like they sued the USDA over the old food pyramid and won. It is time for existing information and truth in labeling laws to evolve to reflect the truth: meat is linked to cancer. Period.”

This article originally appeared on The Beet, you can read the complete article here.

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