Accredited third-party audit ensures a product is Vegan: free from animal ingredients and cruelty-free.
As veganism increases at an estimated 1500% a year, we understand the challenges in an increasingly competitive and global marketplace for Vegan labelled products. The BeVeg vegan certification program, Vegan audits and inspection process ensures vegan compliance in accordance with consumer and retailer expectations, cultural and industry norms, international set out standards for safety, quality, and sustainable vegan production. BeVeg Vegan certification standard considers manufacturing facility standard operating procedures and has Vegan animal allergen controls in the audit checklist to ensure no animal contamination, which protects the brands, retailers, facilities, and consumers from expensive product recalls.
Vegan audits & inspection ensures compliance with evolving vegan laws: including local, regional, national and international rules and regulations for production and trade of food, alcohol, cosmetics, and product commodities across all industry sectors.
By identifying and correcting problem areas that may compromise vegan integrity before products go to the market, a manufacturer can reduce the risk of non-conformance, contamination, liability, and the cost of product recalls. Consumer confidence for brands, whether private label or not, reflects on quality control systems and protocols in place at the factory to ensure vegan compliance. Follow-up assessments that focus on the findings of a previous assessment and verifies the effectiveness of the corrective actions implemented may be required. This may also be achieved via a desktop assessment, if the findings can be verified through document review.
Vegan audits & inspection safeguard the plant based consumer from a primary production point to the point of processing or custody transfer to ensure Vegan attributes in the final certified Vegan product. Ensure vegan compliant storage, secure shipping, clean packing and distribution of commodities, food ingredients, food products, and other products preparing to make a legally accountable, reliable, dependable, and credible vegan claim.
Vegan audits & inspection ensure quality and safety throughout the diverse supply chains: including final products in all industry sectors. Manufacturing facility Vegan certification is cost is not per product sku but per audit. Apply to get a custom vegan certification cost quote.

Trace products back to the source. Know where materials and components originate. Verify supply chain risk to vegan integrity. Ensure reliable manufacturing and quality control systems in place. Reduce risk. Increase product quality, vegan integrity, consumer confidence and satisfaction.
Ensure products comply with international and national standards, market regulations and bespoke customer requirements for vegan claims and labeling. BeVeg vegan certifiers have global auditing experience with training in vegan standards and food safety standards, thereby bringing global best practices into play. Our industry expertise adds value, whether through audit, certification or technical assistance.

Ensure vegan integrity throughout your entire consumer goods supply chain with our unrivaled experience in managing all types of risk factors.
Independent inspections of products, and manufacturing facilities at various stages of the product’s life cycle, will ensure that the quality of mass production will match that of samples tested and will help identify contamination before products hit the market risking brand reputation. Our vegan product and plant inspection services cover the complete range of consumer products, from food and beverages, to furniture and electronics all the way to toys, cosmetics, textiles, footwear and more.

The first step to establishing confidence in reliable manufacturing and quality control systems that do not compromise vegan integrity to vegan labeling is to have a factory audit completed by a trained BeVeg Vegan Certifier. This is an independently-conducted and documented evaluation of the quality system(s) within a factory, which is performed periodically in accordance with written procedures.
Vegan audits aim to verify, through the examination and evaluation of objective evidence, the degree of compliance with the BeVeg vegan standard. The auditor must be able to evaluate every process in the production plants and analyze the strengths and weaknesses in the manufacturing system that could cause cross-contamination, increase liability, and compromise truth in labeling for vegan claims. Results will be documented in a detailed report that shows compliance, non-compliance, non-conformities and outlines room for improvement. A corrective plan will be put in place for vegan violations and a set out timetable for completing the corrective actions to ensure conformity with ISO 17065 vegan standard, ensuring that the finished products meet the vegan consumer expectations.
Contact BeVeg to find out how vegan audits can improve your business brand and reduce risk.