Vegan Trademark Violation

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BeVeg Vegan Trademarks

BeVeg vegan trademarks are internationally recognized with global trademark protection on six continents. BeVeg is committed to ensuring consumers receive accurate information concerning vegan certified products. BeVeg advises vegan interested consumers to exercise caution and contact BeVeg before consuming or using any product with packaging that displays a questionable mark, or one that differs from the ones shown here (different font, proportions, portions removed, etc.). Logo Use Guidelines

Report Vegan Trademark Violations

At BeVeg International, we take cases of Trademark misuse very seriously as we pride ourselves in being the international gold standard in vegan labeling. Though we work hard to protect the integrity of our Trademark, we rely on the vigilance of our members and supporters acting as our eyes and ears on the ground. If you discover any misuse of the BeVeg Vegan Trademark, please help bring it to our attention using the form below or send us the product details at [email protected]

Trademark Violation Alerts

This webpage is intended to keep consumers aware of important safety alerts regarding BeVeg vegan certified products and products that are incorrectly bearing the BeVeg vegan logo. BeVeg reserves the right to withdraw the certification of any company whose vegan certified products appear on this page more than once.

The information on this page is current to the best of BeVeg’s knowledge, but may not be an up-to-date list of all incidents that may occur in the marketplace. Again, if you have questions or concerns about a specific product, you should contact BeVeg directly. You may also report vegan trademark abuses here any time. Our goal is to protect the consumer and ensure truth in labeling.

Below you can find a list of companies misusing the BeVeg Vegan Trademark. No Reports found.

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